Virtual Event Rules
Last updated March 4, 2021.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the NFAA Foundation has made the decision to change the format for the 2021 Vegas Shoot. The Flight and Junior divisions will compete virtually allowing them to shoot at any 20-yard range in the world while still competing for cash prizes and scholarships.
Virtual Basics
Archers must register via nfaausa.sport80.com. Registration fees are $75 for Flight Divisions and $50 for Junior Divisions.
Archers will compete for cash prizes and scholarships.
Flight divisions ​will compete for cash prizes. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each flight will receive a guaranteed payout. The additional 5 places from each flight will be drawn in a lottery to receive cash prizes. The lottery will be live-streamed on April 15 from the South Point Hotel & Casino.
Junior divisions will compete for scholarships. Additional scholarships will be awarded based on essay and artwork contests for each age division. Click here to learn more.
Collegiate archers may register for the "Collegiate Individual & Team Competition" add-on. Archers will compete for scholarships and team prizes. Scores from the regular competition (Virtual and Championship) will be used to decide the collegiate results. Click here to learn more.
All archers will have from March 12-April 12, 2021 to complete three (x3) 30-arrow Vegas rounds for a total of 90 arrows or 900 possible points.
Rounds may be shot in any combination of days or times as long as all scores are submitted by April 12, 2021.
Archers must shoot each round in a scoring group of themselves and 2 to 3 OTHER event participants (must all be registered virtual participants). To recap: Scoring groups must consist of 3 or 4 registered participants (the archer + 2 to 3 other archers).
Archers may shoot their rounds at ANY 20 Yard (60 Ft.) indoor or outdoor range. No range certification is required. Are you a club, shop, or range and want to get involved? Click here to learn more.
Starting March 8, 2021, archers will receive an email with event scoring instructions and a downloadable copy of their official scorecard. Archers should register at least 2 days (48 hours) prior to shooting to allow time for processing.
Archers will be required to submit their scores through BOTH of the following methods:
Archers will submit scores electronically on the Ianseo scoring app. Electronic scoring can be done on an individual's smartphone or tablet. Assistance can be requested for archers that do not have access to a device. ​​(Android, Apple)
Archers will be provided a PDF copy of their scorecard to print. After completing all three (x3) rounds, archers will submit the following items: clear photo of their scorecards; photo of their target(s) from each round; names and target numbers of additional archers in their scoring group(s). Scorecards and scoring groups will be verified by headquarters staff against the electronic scoring. Electronic scores will be unofficial until they are verified.
All 2021 Vegas Shoot participants will have advanced access to the 2022 Vegas Shoot registration at the South Point Hotel & Casino.​ If restrictions are still in place, 2021 participants will have first dibs for the available spots for 2022!
Round Basics
Target: Flight divisions and Cub, Youth, and Young Adult Compound divisions will shoot on either a 40 cm - 3-spot target with gold – red– blue (10-9-8-7-6) scoring areas or the 40 cm single-spot face with 10 through 1 scoring. Archers using the dual face Vegas target can switch target faces (single-spot or three-spot) at any time during practice rounds and competition. If archers are shooting a double line, target faces should be changed from bottom to top or vice versa after the fifth end of the competition.
Cub, Youth, and Young Adult Recurve divisions will shoot on the 60 cm Indoor Face with 10 through 1 scoring.
Distance for all Divisions: 20 Yards (60 Ft.)
Range Requirements: 20 Yard (60 Ft.) Indoor or Outdoor Range. No membership or certification is required.
It is recommended that the range meet the following NFAA requirements:
The distance between the shooting line and the target bales is at least 60 feet (+/-) 4 inches. The measurement is taken from the center point of the target butt to the shooting line.
10-foot "dropped arrow" line must be clearly marked and run the distance of the shooting line.
The minimum lane width is 24 inches.
The vertical clearance between the floor and anything hanging from the ceiling (in the line of fire) is at least 8 feet 6 inches.
Each target butt should be large enough to hold the needed target face(s).
The distance from the floor to the bottom of the butt is 16" minimum.
All pillars or structural parts of the building are properly protected so as not to damage arrows and to prevent
arrows from rebounding to the shooting line. -
The area behind the target butt is protected so as not to damage overshot or side-shot arrows.
The entrance to the range is located behind the shooting line. Any ancillary door openings into the range (from the outside or adjacent rooms) in front of the shooting line are secured from the inside to prevent anyone from entering while shooting is in progress.
Rounds: All archers (Flight and Junior Divisions) will shoot (x3) 300 Vegas rounds consisting of 10 ends - 3 arrows per end for an event total of 90 arrows and 900 possible points. Archers may shoot these rounds in any combination (i.e. x2 450 Rounds - 15 ends of 3 arrows).
Round Rules
You may enter either a Flight division or Junior Division. Archers may only register in ONE division and style for the virtual event and will remain in the same division for the entire event. The number of entries in that division will determine the number of flights offered in each division. The tournament guarantees a cash prize or scholarship to the top three places in each division or flight; however, subsequent places will be drawn at random and may change based on attendance.
Flights: Flight placements will be determined at the discretion of the tournament management. The method or methods used for determining the flights can be any combination of all three rounds of competition. FOR 2021 ONLY! Archers under the age of 15 may compete in the flight divisions. Any prize money awarded to archers under 15 will be awarded in the form of scholarships. Only archers 15 and older will be eligible for cash prizes.
Junior Divisions: There will be two Junior divisions open to all archers, 17 years of age or younger; Compound and Recurve. Each division will offer three age groups in Male and Female categories; Cub (11 and under), Youth (12-14), and Young Adult (15-17). The archer must be the appropriate age at the start of the competition (March 12, 2021) and remains in that category even if they celebrate a birthday during the competition.
For the 2021 virtual event, Junior Divisions will shoot all three rounds of competition. Vegas Shoot scholarships will be presented to the top 3 place winners in each Junior Division.
Ties: All ties in the Flight divisions will be broken by the highest score and highest x count. Ties remaining after x count, will equally split the combined payout of the tied position(s).
All Junior Division ties will be decided by the highest score in the following sequence 1) total x's 2) 1st round score 3) 2nd round score 4) 1st end through 20th end score.
Collegiate Competition: The Collegiate Competition is open to all full-time students at a two- or four-year university or technical school. Current high school students are not eligible. To be eligible, collegiate student-athletes must pay the $25 collegiate add-on during registration.
Scores from the regular competition will be used to decide the collegiate results. Archers can participate in any flight division for The Vegas Shoot but will be ranked for collegiate purposes in divisions of Male and Female - Compound, Recurve, Bowhunter, and Recurve Barebow.
The top three student-athletes in each division will receive scholarships valued at $300, $200 and $100, respectively, for use towards higher education.
Schools will also be ranked on a cumulative team score. The top score from each school in each of the equipment divisions (Compound, Recurve, Bowhunter, and Recurve Barebow - Male or Female) will be used to create the cumulative team score. The top three schools will receive $750, $500 and $300, respectively, for their team or club.
Collegiate payouts are based on 250 collegiate entries. Award amounts may change based on registration numbers.
Shooting Rules
Each end (time period to shoot three arrows) shall be 2 minutes.
Archers shooting first will shoot the lower target face positions.
An archer shooting before the whistle signaling a 2-minute end or after the time has lapsed will lose their highest scoring arrow or arrows equaling the number of errant arrows shot.
If more than 3 arrows are shot during an end, only the lowest 3 arrows will be scored. A penalty of one point will be assessed for each additional arrow shot. Misses or zeros will be counted as lowest arrows.
If an archer shoots less than three arrows in one end and retires from the line, he/she may shoot the remaining arrows if the omission is discovered before the end is officially completed and the line has not been cleared; otherwise they shall be scored as misses.
An archer who purposely disfigures a target face to improve aiming or for any other reason may be disqualified. Arrow holes may be repaired, provided there is no delay to the round.
Any archer conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be immediately disqualified.
Peak compound bow draw weight shall not exceed 80 lbs.
Maximum arrow shaft diameter allowed will be 0.422 inches, with a point diameter not to exceed 0.425 inches. The shaft diameter will include any wrap placed on the arrow and will include the size of the nock and the nock insert.
If the arrow wrap, nock, or nock adapter exceed 0.422 inches and are embedded in the scoring area, the arrow shall NOT be scored and will be reshot.
Any equipment that impairs the hearing of the competitor will not be allowed on the shooting line.
Any archer that is hearing impaired must notify officials prior to shooting.
Arrow twirling will be permitted as long as it is not disruptive or dangerous to other archers or the event. A warning may be given by a tournament official if the twirling or handling of an arrow is deemed as disruptive or dangerous. Repeated violations may result in the removal of the archer from the competition at the tournament official's discretion.
Target pins cannot be larger than 1.5” in any dimension from the surface of the target face.
Protests: Any incident requiring immediate decision must be brought to the attention of the National Protest Committee. All protests must be submitted to the National Protest Committee. Once the protest is received, a payment of $50 USD will be collected. The National Protest Committee will convene via a video conference to decide the outcome of each protest. All decisions of the National Protest Committee will be final. The $50 protest fee will be returned if the National Protest Committee rules in favor of the protest.
Equipment Failure: In the event of equipment failure, step back from the shooting line and raise your bow above your head. A judge will come to your assistance. The archer will have 15 minutes of repair time without holding up the line. One practice end will be allowed. The archer shall be allowed to shoot any arrows missed during the 15 minutes. All make-up arrows will be shot at the end of the round.
Scoring Rules
Ianseo is the official electronic system for scoring. Archers are assigned their a,b,c or d placement by Ianseo which determines the order for scoring. When scoring, archers identify who is the caller, scorer and target captain for their bale. The Captain helps to settle the final call on an arrow. If the group can’t determine a final score, then a line judge is called. A,b,c,d physical target face placement is first come first serve. Archers will be responsible for understanding the scoring procedures and verifying their scores. Free access will be provided to an Official Vegas Shoot Scoring link and mobile app where scores will be available on smart phones, kiosks and monitors throughout the venue.
A judge will make all decisions on scoring questionable arrows; their decisions are final.
All arrows must remain in the target, untouched, until scoring is completed.
Any archer intentionally touching any questionable arrow or any part of the target assembly (including other arrows, faces, pins, mat or stand) will result in the questionable arrow being scored in the lower scoring area. If it happens more than once, then the archer will be disqualified.
The three-spot target face is scored on the gold (10,9), red (8,7), and blue (6) rings. The target face must be placed on the mat in an upright position.
Arrows must touch the line to be in the next highest scoring area.
Any arrow that passes beyond the shooting line a distance greater than 10 feet as measured to the closest part of the arrow, will be considered a shot arrow. See mark on the floor.
If an arrow is embedded in the target beyond the nock, a judge must be called and the arrow should not be touched. If the arrow is touched before the judge arrives, then the arrow is not scored. If a judge cannot determine the value of that arrow, it will be considered a pass through and will be re-shot. No arrows will be pushed back.
Bounce outs can be shot again at the end of regulation shooting.
Each competitor must complete and sign his own scorecard. Both scorers must also sign it. When there is a difference on the two cards, the lowest score must be taken. Scoring tablets and paper scorecards must be turned in at the scoring table, in your assigned arena or hall, immediately following shooting. To be considered valid, scorecards must be turned in within one hour of the final end.
All scoring on the official scorecard must be completed in ink. Any changes on the official scorecard must be agreed upon and initialed by all archers in the scoring group. Any archery turning in an incorrect scorecard will be subject to disqualification.
Equipment Rules
All divisions, except Recurve Barebow Flights and Crossbow Unlimited, will follow NFAA Shooting Styles and Equipment Rules.
Championship Barebow: NFAA Barebow [Article II, Section B, para 1-11]
Championship Compound Open, Female, Senior, Young Adult; Compound Flights; Compound Junior divisions: NFAA Freestyle: [Article II, Section C, para 1-3]
Compound Limited Flights: NFAA Freestyle Limited [Article II, Section D, para 1-3]
Bowhunter Flights: NFAA Freestyle Bowhunter [Article II, Section E, para 1-9]
Championship Recurve Male, Female, Young Adult; Recurve Flights; Recurve Junior divisions: NFAA Freestyle Limited Recurve [Article II, Section G, para 1-3]
Crossbow Flights: NFAA Crossbow [Article II, Section H, para 1-32]
Recurve Barebow Flights: [Chapter 23, Section 3, para 1-10] Will follow World Archery Barebow equipment and division rules.
Crossbow Unlimited Flights: Maximum speed of 330 FPS. Crossbows must be in sound working condition with a functioning safety and maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications. No replacement or alteration of manufacturers Trigger Assembly or Safety Mechanism shall be allowed. Scopes up to 6x power may be used and may be equipped with lines or mill dots, but no light or image may be projected and there may be no range finding capability.
Except as may be required due to an approved medical exemption, crossbows may only be shot in a standing position and the use of any device or outside agency (including wrapping the sling around the arm, hooked butt-plates, palm rests, stabilizer bars, added weights/bars/rails/supports, prop stick or any device that allows the mass weight of the bow to be relieved from either arm or to steady the bow is prohibited. Use of the forward elbow against the ribcage or side is permitted. Bolts must be identical in size and weight with a minimum of three (3) vanes. Crossbows may only be cocked and loaded while the shooter is on the line, and while loaded it must remain pointed down range at all times. The safety must remain on until the time the whistle is blown to signal shooting. Use of The Crossbow’s Manufactured Cocking/Cranking Device, (1) Level and Stirrups shall be permitted.