These are all the official channels to follow the world's largest archery tournament from anywhere on the planet. Coverage is available for both competitors and fans.
To stay on top of live scores, shooting time and target assignments, use the official NFAA App. In the app, the Venue Map, Trade Show Map, and Vendor List are also available.
Join The Vegas Shoot on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to catch the highlights of each tournament day, watch winner interviews, and catch the best moments of this epic sports celebration.
Instagram: @TheVegasShoot
Facebook: The Vegas Shoot
TikTok: @TheVegasShootOffical
Watch streaming on archery+ at – the only official online video platform for coverage. (Please be careful of unscrupulous links posted on social media to illegal or fraudulent websites.)
Streaming schedule:
Friday, 2 February
2:00PM – Live championship line – FREE
4:00PM – $10K-A-Day Shoot-off – FREE
Saturday, 3 February
11:30M – Live championship line – FREE
4:00PM – $10K-A-Day Shoot-off – FREE
8:00PM – Indoor Archery World Series Finals – FREE
Sunday, 4 February
11:30AM – Live championship line and Lucky Dog – FREE
5:30PM – Championship Shootdowns – EUR 4,99*
Scheduled times are subject to change and may vary depending on the progress of the competition.
*Why pay to watch the finals? For the first time, the Vegas Shoot is charging to watch the Championship Shootdowns through archery+. Any money raised will directly fund scholarships for archers aged 17 and under through the NFAA Foundation to aid in its ongoing mission to grow the sport.
The NFAA Foundation, in partnership with the Easton Foundation, awards over $40,000 in scholarships each year to junior archers who participate at NFAA Foundation tournaments such as The Vegas Shoot, the First Dakota Classic, and the Rushmore Rumble.