A total of 88 archers took part in the second and last shoot-off at the Vegas Shoot in 2022, open to championship shooters who post clean rounds on the day.

The starting number was whittled down through six single-arrow rounds as archers who didn’t hit the high score on the field, scored inside-out, were eliminated from the sudden-death side-event.
After two rounds of inside-out scoring, eight archers were left. One pass later, that number dropped to just three: Stephan Hansen, Sawyer Sullivan and Michael Braden.
The triplet first tied with nines, forcing another round.
Hansen went out next and the prize was decided between 17-year-old Sullivan and 54-year-old Braden. The latter scored one final perfect arrow to claim victory and a check for $10,000.
“It was a struggle all day actually getting the 300 to get here, so I didn’t think this was going to last pretty long. Gave it the best shot I could each time and luckily for me it went in the middle,” said Michael.
“It’s a bonus for sure and I’m actually leading in the senior pro division too, so we’ll see what happens.”
The $10k-a-Day Championship Shoot-Off was introduced in 2020 to give shooters who post perfect 300-point rounds on either Friday or Saturday (or both) a chance at an extra $10,000.